About the film

Elliott Straight Out is a film by Andy Nicholls.

A film that turns stereotypes and prejudice upside down.

Elliott has grown up in Brighton, his adopted parents, Mark and Sam, have brought him up well, but as a boy reaches adolescence things start to change and the boy becomes a man.  He starts to find himself, he experiments, he discoverers his sexuality and it isn’t always as the folks had hoped for.

Elliott has discovered he likes girls and when he has his first kiss it doesn’t quite go as he had expected and Elliott is forced out of the closet with nothing more than a towel to protect him.

You never know how parents will react, some take it well, some take it very badly, some are understanding and some believe you are no son of theirs.

Elliott has toiled with his feelings for quite some time but now the time has come to face his fears and go out into the big wide world and see what it has to offer him with his new found freedom.

Everyone has told him to go out, mix with other similar people, meet and make new friends, start a new life and enjoy what it has to offer without worrying about who might see or find out.  It all sounds so simple but even the best laid plans can go awry and not everything goes quite according to plan.