Steven Pink played by Greg Page
Age 42, preacher Steven Pink from the Rainbow Voice is spreading his interpretation of the word of God. He tries to convince people that being straight is a very bad thing and that God meant everyone to be gay as it says in the bible.
Greg Page
Represented by Rosebery Management.
Greg has acted all of his life in one way or another but only turned professional about a year ago after completing a Diploma in Advanced Performance Skills at The City Lit in London. He has performed in a short play for BBC Radio, played a teacher and a hired killer in a couple of other short films and is currently rehearsing for A Clockwork Orange with Crimson Horse Theatre in Brighton. He originally went up for the part of the Doctor but was persuaded to do his Ian Paisley impression for the Rev Pink. As a result he spent a pleasant Friday morning shouting at people in Brighton. He is married with three grown up children and lives just outside Worthing. He has also heard every joke there is about growing old in Worthing so don’t even think about it…….